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HipHop Horror Show!!

Updated: May 19, 2022

For Halloween 2021 Rationale Arts performed our fully Immersive Hip-hop horror show at Theatre Deli. The production was originally performed at Theatre Deli Sheffield's Woolworths venue back in 2014 as part of Horror Souk. This production was incredibly unique as it was the first ever fully immersive Hip-Hop Horror show of its kind, featuring streetdancing skeletons and chilling hiphop soundtracks. The show was such a huge success that it was bought back for multiple performances in subsequent years to wow audiences with its unique blend of hiphop dance and jump scares all whilst navigating your ways through an eerie basement. Fast forward to 2021 Theatre Deli has moved venues and had at the time taken over an old Mothercare building. This posed new opportunities to further develop our show. The new layout meant that there was a lot of open space which meant that we would have to rethink the audience's journey and create new ways if scaring the living daylights out of those who dared to set foot in our Hip-Hop Horror venue. Our new show levelled up in some ways as incorporated Hip-hop Contortion, fire- eating with storytelling, fire sword performances, audience members performing for their undead audiences and scary aerial slings.

The most noteworthy change was that we converted the entire open space into a scare-maze which meant we had the freedom to create a bespoke audience journey within the space.

All of this refinement contributed to another sell out run of our Hiphop horror show with audiences saying it was the scariest thing they had experienced throughout Halloween. So be sure to stay tuned for 2022's Hip-Hop horror show as rumours are already circulating that this one could be the scariest one ever as it may take place in one of Sheffield's old museums. One thing that is for sure is that Rationale Arts blend of Hip-Hop and horror is a winning combination.

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